Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Onion Rings

I made these onion rings a few weeks ago (yeah, I know, I totally blog out of order!)
The batter is blended silken tofu, whole wheat flour, soy milk, lemon juice and pinch of baking powder and salt.

They tasted awesome.
The only problem was they stuck to the pan quite a bit, hence the naked onion spots. I think that was due to my oil temp though.
I am totally going to try subbing beer for the soy milk next time... mmm beer battered...

1 comment:

chownator said...

Your onion rings inspired me to make mine,
for my batter i used, all purpose flour, corn starch, soy milk, lemon juice and salt.
after i fried it i added some cheese and some grounded pepper.
and it was YUM!